
Tunadan’s Code of conduct has been established to underline the principles by which the company conducts its relations with employees, suppliers, clients etc.

2-Business Principle

2.1Legal Compliance

In every country in which we operate, Tunadan will accept the laws and regulations of that country.

2.2 Relations with Business Partners

Our employees won’t offer customers, potential customers any rewards or benefits in violation of either applicable laws or reasonable and generally accepted business practices. Tunadan’s employees must not accept payments, gifts, or other kinds of reimbursement from a third party that could affect or appear to affect their objectivity in their business decisions.

2.3 Accounting

All financial transactions by Tunadan must be reported in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, and accounting records must show the nature of all transactions in a correct and non-misleading manner.

3-Environmental Principles

3.1 Resource Efficiency

Tunadan’s processes are designed in such a way that energy and raw materials are used efficiently, and waste and residual products are minimized over the products’ life cycles.

3.2 Precautionary Principle

Tunadan supports the precautionary principle by avoiding materials and methods posing environmental and health risks when suitable alternatives are available.

4 Human Rights and Workplace Practices

4.1 Human Rights

Within its sphere of influence, Tunadan supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and ensures that it is not complicit in human rights abuses.

4.2 Non-Discrimination

Tunadan hires and treats its employees in a manner that is not discriminating e.g. with regard to sex, race, ethnicity, colour, religion or other beliefs, age, disability, political opinion. Diversity in the workplace at all levels is encouraged.

4.3 Labor

No form of forced, compulsory or child labor is tolerated at Tunadan. The minimum employment age is 18

4.4 Health and safety

Good health and a safe working environment are fundamental conditions for our employees to perform well in their workplaces. Our employees will make efforts to identify and prevent risks for illness and accidents. It is also fundamental to work for good leadership and a good working organization in the workplace.

5 Responsibility of Managers and Employees

It is the responsibility of managers at Tunadan to communicate and demonstrate the content as well as the spirit of this document within our organizations, and to encourage employees to reveal behavior that may be noncompliant with these principles.
